Beauty contest winner Patricia Knight's one bid for screen stardom was Columbia's Shockproof. Knight plays Jenny Wright, a convicted murderess paroled in the care of probation officer Griff Marat (Cornel Wilde). What begins as an aloof professional relationship eventually blossoms into romance. The fly in the ointment is shady Harry Wesson (John Baragrey), the gambler who inveigled Jenny into committing murder. The girl is torn between creature comforts offered her by Wesson and the promise of a clean life offered by Griff. This early Douglas Sirk effort contains a smattering of the stylistic touches which distinguished his later work.The screenplay was written by famed director Samuel Fuller, known for his gritty realism and hard-boiled style. ~ Hal Erickson, All Movie Guide 城市电影网2022最新电视剧,最新电影流畅无卡顿。完整版播放完整版无删在线观看,360电影频道又名电视剧、动漫、综艺等影视作品电影,韩国电视剧、香港TVB电视剧、日本动漫、日剧、美剧、综艺悠久影院。咪咕影院全集高清正版视频在线观看影片、提供正版的最新电影城市电影网,在线播放2022年最新电视剧大全
想了很久也想不起来到底我是为什么想要看这部电影 实在太不怎么样了 难道我是为了看成俊和金星吗 节奏实在太拖沓 情节也就是过着安稳生活的中年男人突然重拾了对音乐的热情blabla的 一句话说到底谁年轻的时候没梦想当个rockstar!?大概是韩国拍太多这类型的电影了 看多了实在没意思也完全不励志
- 斯蒂尔:和你年轻时代的电影有点不一样吧?-昆汀:我年轻时代的电影是无声的,男人像男人,女人像女人,浪漫仍然存在,恰恰因为男人像男人,女人像女人
William Blake的诗选的也是真好,A bird, the nest. A spider, the web. Man, friendship.