2040 is an innovative feature documentary that looks to the future, but is vitally important NOW. Award-winning director Damon Gameau embarks on journey to explore what the future would look like by the year 2040 if we simply embraced the best solutions already available to us to improve our planet and shifted them into the mainstream. Structured as a visual letter to his 4-year-old daughter, Damon blends traditional documentary footage with dramatized sequences and high-end visual effects to create a vision board for his daughter and the planet 奇热网奉献超前点映vip欧美、韩国、曰本、港台在线免费播放,本网站又名悠久影视包含了360影院。免费观看完整无删减美剧,港剧,韩剧,曰剧,动漫,综艺,微电影就看奇热网,也有小朋友爱看的动画片大全,为全网用户永久提供无需付费及下载即可在线观看的网站。
真的很像学生作业 特别是最后那段护士的对话(其实再说狠一点教官这个角色就不应该出现)有些地方太刻意了 顺其自然才是这种青春片应该追求的 只能说导演得再磨练吧 但感觉邓恩熙演技居然还行 有点惊讶
2.5 情节发展简直漫无边际啊,全程胡闹,缺乏一致性,然而中间有那么两三段还不错